“It seems like my brain function is more clear, my neuropathy is just nearly gone, my labs are looking a lot better, and my A1c has improved considerably.”
Jeannie, a Comanche County Medical Center employee and patient, started the infusions because she was having trouble with neuropathy in her feet, kidney failure, and some memory issues. She reported the many health benefits she’s seen since beginning the infusion therapy. Jeannie said, “It seems like my brain function is more clear, my neuropathy is just nearly gone, my labs are looking a lot better, and my A1c has improved considerably.”
When asked if she recommends the infusion therapy, she said, “Yes, I recommend this to other patients because I see the other side of it also with the improvements of other patients we’ve had.” As a CCMC employee, Jeannie stated she witnessed improvements primarily in peripheral neuropathy and macular degeneration.
She said she suggests anyone who has had any kind of a chronic issue see their physician and request the infusion therapy. Jeannie reported that she encourages others to receive the relief she’s had and health improvements she has experienced.