Jeannette Testimonial

“I had been on disability for 10 years for chronic fatigue and after about three months of starting these infusions, I had so much energy. I thought, well, I can go back to work. I’ve got all this energy and nothing to do with it. So, I’ve been working for the last year and a half.”

Jeannette, who has received Infusion Therapy for two years, reported that macular degeneration was the original condition that brought her to the CCMC Infusion Center.

She said, “During the time that I started, I had dry macular degeneration and then I had one eye go wet and then I was diagnosed with glaucoma in that same eye so it kind of undid what the infusions had begun.”

Jeannette added, “My other eye is in great shape even though it has macular degeneration; my eyesight has gotten better instead of worse over the last two years and even my eye doctor said your eye is great.”

She reported that she had other issues the Infusion treatments helped. “In addition to the macular degeneration, I have had hair grow on top of my head where I was getting age baldness and the other significant thing for me is my energy,” she said.

Jeannette, stating how her renewed energy helped her, said, “I had been on disability for 10 years for chronic fatigue and after about three months of starting these infusions, I had so much energy. I thought, well, I can go back to work. I’ve got all this energy and nothing to do with it. So, I’ve been working for the last year and a half.”

She concluded, “That has all been such a gift that these infusions have given me. People have noticed my hair; they’ve noticed my energy; they’ve noticed my skin looks better.”

In response to whether other people should seek Infusion Therapy, Jeannette said, “I would suggest giving it a try. You just don’t know what you’ll be given and what gifts you will get from these infusions.”

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Ready to embark on your own journey to better health? Discover the transformative care offered at Comanche County Medical Center’s Infusion Center and our Texas Outpatient and Infusion Centers.

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